Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turmeric Antidiabetic

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is one spice and medicines, natural habitat of this plant covering an area of ​​Asia, especially Southeast Asia. This herb is good for cooking, medicines maintain health and beauty. Nutrient content in turmeric that can be used as a medicine consisting of: curcumin, desmetoksikumin, bisdesmetoksikurkurmin and substances other benefits. Yulinah (2009), have examined the combined extract of turmeric (Curcuma domestica) and garlic (Allium sativum) as antihiperlipidemia and antidiabetic. He mentioned that both these plants have antihiperlipidemia and antidiabetic effect but in combination according to this invention, showing a stronger effect than each of them singly so that each dose of the combination can be reduced by half with the effect of which is still comparable to the effect of each singly. The invention is an alternative antidiabetic drugs as well as from the combination ekstrat antihiperlipidemia ekstrat turmeric and garlic, which is not toxic, but has the effect of antidiabetic and antihiperlipidemia stronger than ekstrat single, so that doses combinations can be reduced by half with equivalent effect by the use of the single.

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