Sunday, January 8, 2012


Coconut is an area of ​​tropical plants, often called a multipurpose tree. Almost all parts can be exploited people, started dri roots to the leaves is useful. Utilization of the coconut flesh is generally only used it for copra and coconut oil for domestic use, while other byproducts such as coconut shell has not been so much exploited. Use of coconut shell, a small part as a fuel for household use, smoking copra, and others.

One of the valuable economic products that are made and coconut shell is activated charcoal. Preparation of activated charcoal has not been much to do, but the potential for raw materials, and usage and active charcoal and the potential market is large enough.

Activated charcoal is charcoal that is processed in such a way so as to have the absorption / adsorption height of material in the form of solution or vapor.

Activated charcoal can be made of materials containing carbon and either organic or inorganic, but usually comes on the market and coconut shell, wood, and coal.


Currently, activated charcoal has been used widely in the chemical industry, food / beverage and pharmaceutical. In general, activated charcoal is used as an absorbent material, and purifiers. In small quantities are used also as a catalyst.

Preparation of activated charcoal from coconut shell consists of two stages, namely:
I. The process of making charcoal from coconut shell
II. The process of making activated charcoal from the charcoal

Rendemen activated charcoal from coconut shell about 25% and 6% tar

1. Making charcoal from coconut shell raw materials:
Coconut shell needs 1 ton / day. Coconut shell have an old, hard wood, low water content, so that in the process of composing, maturation will go well and evenly. If a high water content means coconut not old enough, composing process will take longer.

2. The process of manufacture of charcoal activated charcoal activated charcoal making process is done by way of "Distillation dry" that is burning in the absence of oxygen at high temperatures. For this activity required the activation of the prototype furnaces (distillation equipment) which is a lattice where the activated charcoal with a capacity of 250 kg of charcoal. The activation process is performed only by controlling the temperature during a certain time.

liquid smoke
 Liquid smoke food industry has a very large usability as the taste and aroma of the specific as well as a preservative because antimikrobia and antioxidant properties. With the availability of liquid smoke the traditional curing process by using direct smoke containing many drawbacks such as environmental pollution, the process can not be controlled, inconsistent quality and fire hazards, all of which can be dihindari.2.Industri plantation. The technique applied is based on pyrolysis process, that is heating the coconut shell in a closed sistem with relative low oxygen. Although the coconut shell in the drum doesn touch fire directly, but it becomes hot and releases smoke. Because the drum is closed tightly, the smoke that is inside the drum will flow to the spiral pipe functioning as a condensor. The condensor is flowed water and then the smoke changes to become liquid. The liquid smoke obtained directly from coconut shell pyrolysis still contains tar which is very dangerous for healthy. So it is necessary carried out a distilation process to dissociate tar from liquid smoke. Before distilation, the liquid smoke is kept for two weeks to precipitate the tar that is mixture in the smoke. Based on proton NMR, GCMS and FTIR analysis, the liquid smoke from the coconut shell contains phenol and the others compounds which can be used as a antioxidant in food preservation. Because the liquid smoke is antioxidant and antibacterial, it can be used as a preserver. Antibacterial can resist the defects of food material, during the storage as result of microbe activity that causes the loss of gizi content and aesthetic value and also the forming of dangerous and poisonous compounds. The liquid smoke has been applicated not only for presevating meat such as poultry meat and salmon fish, but also giving taste at sauce, soup, vegetables, flavour and mace.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gold Mining Waste and Bacteria User Mercury

The waste mercury and iron produced gold mining threaten of habitat or continuity of living things because these substances are toxic. Merkury is a material that is harmful to human body. Especially in the contaminated food source, will affect the health slowly.
If the mercury waste pollutes the ocean, then spread more widely. In addition, the fish catches of fishermen will also be contaminated. When consumed contaminated fish, the mercury left in the human body. Retnowati Y (2011) has conducted research on bacterial mercury-contaminated waste user gold mining. She said; mercury utilizing bacteria were isolated through batchwise enrichment culture techniques using modified nutrient broth containing 0.1 mgL-1 methyl mercury chloride (CH3HgCl). Selection of isolates was carried out though the growth experiment based on their abilities to grow on different methyl mercury concentrations, in terms of generation time (g) and specific growth rates (ยต). Three type of bacteria showing the highest, moderate, the lowest generation time were selected and purified for futher indentify experiments. The selected isolates were identified using standard methods. The results revealed that fourteen mercury utilizing bacteria were successfully isolated from river sediment (133.5x106 CFU/ml). only four isolates were able to grow on growth medium containing 2-4 mg L-1 at generation times of 1.3-5.5 h and specific growth rates of 0.1-0.5 generation h-1. The four selection isolates were identified as Bacillus sp. See fig;Gold mining waste.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How a Mechanical Refrigerator Operates

Before studying the operation of the mechanical refrigerator, it is important to understand the physical and thermal properties of mechanisms and substanes used to exsrat heat. Removing heat from insede a refigerator is somewhat like removing water from a leaking canoe. A sponge may be used to soak up the water. The spoge is held over the side, squeezed, and the water is released overboard. The operation may be repeated as often as necessary to transfer the water from the canoe into the lake. In a refregerator, heat instead of water is transferred. Inside the refregerator, heat is absorbed, “soaked up” by the liquid refregerant in the evaporator (cooling unit). This happens as the refrigerant changes from a liquid to avapor (gas). After the refrigerant has absorbed het and has turned  into  vapor, it is pump into the condensing unit located outside the refrigerant space. Here it is compressed. The head is “squeezed” out by high pressure and high temperture. Then it is cooled in the condenser. This cycle repeats until the desired temperture is obtained. Heat gets into a refrigerator in many ways. It leaks in though the insulation and enters with the warmer air when the door is opened. Still more is introduced when warm substances are placed in the refrigerator. Heat is not destroyed to make the refrigerator cold; it is simply removed from the refrigerted space and released outside. See fig. An elementary mechanical refrigerator. In operation, liquid refrigerant under high pressure flows from liquid receiver to pressure reducing valve (refrigerant control) and into evaporator. Here pressure is greatly reduced, liquid refrigerant boils and absorbs heat from evaporator. Refigerant is now a vapor, flows back to compressor and is compressed to a high pressure, its temperature is greatly increased and in the condeser the heat is transferred to surrouding air, the refrigerant is cooled and becomes a liquid flows back into the liquid receiver from which its cooling cycle is repeated.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The benefits of Tunggak Beans (Vigna unguicilata) and Risk of Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is the debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue who are not because of by lack of rest and may be exacerbated by physical or mental activity. The people with CFS most often function under its activity be substantially lower level of their ability before the onset of disease. In addition to the key that determines these characteristics, patients report various nonspecific symptoms, including weakness, muscle pain, impaired memory and / or mental concentration, insomnia, and post-exertional fatigue lasting more than 24 hours. In some cases, CFS can persist for years. Causes that lead to CFS have not been identified and no specific diagnostic tests are available
In addition, since many illnesses have disabling fatigue as a symptom, care must be taken to exclude other conditions that are known and can often be treated before the diagnosis of CFS done. The addition ingredients into the body phytoestrogens may reduce complaints and symptoms of estrogen deficiency syndrome and reduce the risk of menopause and hormone replacement therapy reduces. These results have been researched by prof. Ali, M (2009) and had been patented, mentions that the phytoestrogens extracted from cowpea (Vigna unguicilata) Walps varieties of KT-7) produced the content of phytoestrogens (daidzein and genistein) are optimal when compared with other types of plants. Bengkoang (Pachyrrhiazus erosus URBAN) and tebi or Bithok (Pueraria triloba (Lour) Makino, or Pueraria lobata (Willd) Ohwi or Puraria thunbergiana (S & Z) varieties Kangean, in Indonesia, also contain phytoestrogens daidzein and ganistein. In addition ekstrat cowpea is containing 4, 5, 7 - trihydroxy flavone and quercetin. Furthermore he explains that the extraction method to generate optimal phytoestrogens obtained by using 80% methanol solvent.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turmeric Antidiabetic

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is one spice and medicines, natural habitat of this plant covering an area of ​​Asia, especially Southeast Asia. This herb is good for cooking, medicines maintain health and beauty. Nutrient content in turmeric that can be used as a medicine consisting of: curcumin, desmetoksikumin, bisdesmetoksikurkurmin and substances other benefits. Yulinah (2009), have examined the combined extract of turmeric (Curcuma domestica) and garlic (Allium sativum) as antihiperlipidemia and antidiabetic. He mentioned that both these plants have antihiperlipidemia and antidiabetic effect but in combination according to this invention, showing a stronger effect than each of them singly so that each dose of the combination can be reduced by half with the effect of which is still comparable to the effect of each singly. The invention is an alternative antidiabetic drugs as well as from the combination ekstrat antihiperlipidemia ekstrat turmeric and garlic, which is not toxic, but has the effect of antidiabetic and antihiperlipidemia stronger than ekstrat single, so that doses combinations can be reduced by half with equivalent effect by the use of the single.


There are two kinds of energy-potential and kinetic. Potential energi is like a body of water controlled by adam. The water has a great petential for doing work; but, until the water flows though  water weel, no energy is produced. Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving body. The formula is KE = ½ MV2 = foot Pounds.  M = Weight, divided by 32 (the acceleration due to gravity). V = Velocity in feet per second (fps).

a). Energy Equivalents – English

1 Btu                                = 778
                                         = 252 gram-calories
                                         = 1054 joules

1 Horsepower                = 33.000
                                         = 550
                                         = 746 watt
                                         = 2545.6 btu/hr
                                         = 42.42 Btu/min
                                         = 1.014 hp (metric).

1 hosepower hour        = 1 horsepower for 1 hr
                                         = 1.980.000 ft.ib
                                         = 746 watt hours
                                         = .746 kilowatt hours
                                         = 2545 Btu

1 Kilowatt                        = 1000 watts
                                         = 1.34 horsepower

1kilowatt hour                = 1 kilowatt for hr
                                         = 1000 watt hours

b). Ice Melting Effect (IME)

1 ton of refrigeration     = 288.000 Btu/day
                                         = 12.000 Btu/hr
                                         = 200 Btu/min
                                         = 83.3 lb. Of ice/hr

c). Linear Mesuare Equivalents-English-Metric
1 inch                                          = 2.54 centimetres
                                                     = 25.4 millimetres
                                                     = 5.400 microns
1 food      = 12 inches              = .304 metres
                                                     = 30.48 cntimetres

1yard           = 3 feet                   = .914 metres
                                                     = 91.44 centimetres
1 micron                                      = .000.394 inches
1 millimetre = 1000 micron      = .0394 inches
1 centimetre= 10 millimtres     = .3937 inches
1 metre         = 100centimetre = 39.37 inches
1 kilometre   = 1000 metres     = 62137 miles

d). Energy Equivalents – Metric

1 dyne cm = 1 erg = .001 g cm = 7.38 x 10.8 ft ib
1 g cm = 980.6 ergs = 7.233 x 10.5
1 = 13.557.300 ergs = 13.825.5 g cm
1 therm = 100.000 Btu

Rate of Energy
1 erg/sec = 1 dyne cm = 7.38 x 10.8
1 g cm = 980.6 ergs/sec = 7.233 x 10.5
1 = 13.557.300 ergs = 13.825.5 g cm/sec

e). Area Equivalents
1                               = .0065 sq. Metres
1 sq.ft      = 144    = .093 sq metres
1 sq.yd    = 9 sq.ft          = .836 sq mtres
f). Volume Equivalents
1                             = .016 litres
                                         = .16.39 centimetres
1 cu ft      = 1728 cu. In = 28.317 litres = .0283 metres
1 cu.yd    = 27 cu.ft
                 = 46.656
1 gal        = .1337 cu.ft = 3.79 litres
                 = 231    = 3785 centimetres

h). Heat equivalents

1 Btu                                = 258 calories
1 kilocalorie                    = 1000 calories
1 Btu/lb                           = .55 kcal/kg
1 Btu/lb                           = 2.326 kJ/kg
1 kcal/kg                                     = 1.8 Btu/lb
1 Btu/hr                           = .2931 watts

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Antenna coconut shells

If see coconut shells, perhaps people remember charcoal, rice ladle, and bailer. However, Supeno M (2010) has patented antenna coconut shells. In 1995 he made from coconut shell carbon as a raw material to make tires, Minto is now using as an antenna. Minto also add brass or copper electrodes, so the ability to channel the waves get bigger. Mounted at a height of 50 centimeters start up to two meters, the antenna was turned out of coconut shell can be used to receive at the same time emit waves, so that it can be used to capture television broadcasts, Handle-talkie radio, and phone calls. ''For broadcast television, antenna catches the shell is more cool in the eyes when compared to the UHF antenna made ​​of metal, "
UHF antenna shell is the original technology, resulting from continuous research and observation over the years. Natural polymer material of the soft-hard combination that can be relied upon as a satellite television at a radius of 180 km, with a gain of 11 dB, which can be used in the lowlands, high and towing. This antenna is very good performance for high frequencies. UHF antenna prototype shell consists of: (1) Two first-wave rectifier of the pores of the shell and the second plate mounted almonium smooth lining inside the shell parts (2) the reflector of almonium; and (3) carbonyl group and micro elements as a receiver. The advantages of this antenna can be more clearly close up, clear, cool eyes and clearer sound receiver